Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Night In The Box

Did you know that One On One Studio, those darlings of Metro Mag, will sell you a bicycle at an "in the box" price? Neither did I. And never mind that the bike you do actually purchase may, or may not have, been used several times as a rental. Or that when you go to pick it up, there aren't any bikes of the actual agreed upon size, in the box? Weird...

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Tshirts at CRC

There is little doubt that this is the best crc shirt to date. Huge thanks to Kelly Mac, & to T6 for their ongoing support.

Can't forget STROKER ACE SCREENPRINTING, and their ubiquitous sense of style. Heathen Haw, indeed...

More cx racing on the calendar this weekend, but I'll be sitting it out due to, uh, lack of appearance money...

Oh, and we've got new socks, too.